Peerless 22 (Belle Tress)


Peerless is our first ‘curtain bang’ style with a broad, extended centre mono part. Lace front, heat friendly, the same luxurious ButterTex fibre, and most of all, the original curl pattern created for this special edition. It is genuinely peerless in its style and craftsmanship.

Colour Shown: BrownSugar SweetCream, Iced Lavender Latte, Ceylon (Balayage)

Special Features: Centre Part Lace Front

Fibre Type: Heat Friendly, made with ButterTex

Bangs: 4-6”

Side: 17”

Nape: 14.5”

Overall: 4-21.5”

Weight: 6.4 oz

Cap Size: Average

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